Plant forms allow me a freedom of expression. Simple structural analysis is part of my painting process. I examine the exterior of the form and then I explore the interior. This gives me an opportunity to show others what they might never observe.
The inner parts are sometimes exposed by cutting into the juicy flesh. This is a sensual experience; and, the act of painting with oil becomes a psychological process as I explore inside the form.
The forms have an animated gestural quality that is described by some as “biomorphic concretion”. The forms have a life of their own. My designs are fluid, curvilinear and generally not geometric or sharp.
Color is my first love and I use it more aggressively as time goes by. My travels to Mexico have had an influence and I strive for hot sun drenched color. The color is also used as a tool to develop the sensual aspects of the object.
The smooth canvas surface allows the eye to enter the image, rather than stop it on the surface level.
I want to push the psychological aspects further and strive for an emotional quality. My hope is that the viewer will move into the inner spaces and that my concept will excite interest.
I am influenced by Georgia O’Keefe, Japanese Wood Block, Joan Miró and my world of garden and plants. My solarium provides a great deal of inspiration. Mexico also inspires with exotic plants and incredible warmth.
Lois P. Washington